Quick guidelines on goal setting
Goal Setting Setting goals is simple, accomplishing them can be difficult. First, don’t ensure your own failure by setting a goal that can’t be achieved. How do you know if you’re setting an unachievable goal?…
Performance Routines
Performance Routines Performance routines, when properly employed can be an effective way of helping you implement the proper mental skills during your performance. Performance routines can be helpful because they can help you stay focused…
Stress management and relaxation
One mental skill that often is fundamental to developing further mental skills in sport, lies in the area of stress management. This include facets of emotional control. Participation in sport can lead to a a…
Have you ever wondered why you don’t exercise more?
Why is it so hard for people to engage in more exercise? Have you ever thought about this? Most people are aware of the benefits of exercise, but for whatever reason, they just don’t seem…
Mental Imagery
In this section we present a brief introduction to the topic of imagery: Imagery is simply the process of creating an image in the mind. Research supports the use of mental imagery in attempt to…
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Replacing negative statements with positive ones
I often encounter athletes that create negative expectations about their performance, whether it’s the outcome of a specific skill they must execute or the final outcome of a competition. It’s easy to tell an athlete to replace these negative statements with positive ones, but doing…
Maintaining Positive Thoughts
As sport psychologists, we often encourage our clients to create positive images and expectations about their performances because of the strong association they have on the outcome of the performance. Perhaps more important than this, is the importance of creating and maintaining positive images and…
How to Get you Team Performing at the Start of the Season
The fall season is almost upon us an a new group of teams are about to get into full gear, with the NFL and collegiate football about to start their seasons. Collegiate volleyball and soccer are almost underway too. Countless teams at the high school…